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Strategic Forum of Water Industry

发布于:2004-02-16 15:50:16 来自:给排水工程/给排水工程资料 1 860 [复制转发]
Strategic Forum of Water Industry
  • wangzixuan205249
    Strategic Forum of Water Industry

    Strategic forum of water industry is a nonpolitical and voluntary platform, which makes managers, governors and academic authorities from water industry communicate equally. Its orientation is a forum of enterprises, experts and the government.

    In China water industry ,there are many groping enterprisers, many studious scholars and there are lots of struggling superintendents, too. but the form for them communicating equally is absent. Now, strategic forum of water industry appeared, and it obtained support from water industry. At the same time, many influential people take part in the strategic forum of water industry .

    Strategic forum of water industry is sponsored by Tsinghua university and H2o-china.com.The forum is held monthly or bimonthly. Main people in the forum are managers from large-scale enterprises, researchers of water industry and governors. The topic of every forum is associated with the linchpin of water industry development.

    After every forum, Tsinghua Water Industry White Book will be published, which is the distillate of strategic forum of water industry.

    Strategic forum of water industry (Ⅰ) is held on 2 September 2003 successfully, and strategic forum of water industry (Ⅱ) is held on 22 November 2003. strategic forum of water industry has attracted more and more attentions in water industry.
    2004-02-16 15:50:16

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