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280米, 深圳又一地标! “阶梯式”综合体设计方案

发布于:2024-03-05 11:27:05 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]



mecanoo’s proposal, konka mixed-use, for the new kang qiao jia cheng development in shenzhen draws from the small-scale urban tissue of historical chinese towns, employing a permeable urban fabric to allow pedestrian connections within the site and to all neighbouring areas. located on a sloping site bordering the highway, the complex comprises two facing towers connected by a network of plazas and green terraces, as well as two stepped platforms which solve the height difference between the northwest and the southeast corne  



mecanoo has developed the proposal within two facing towers, where the tallest one, which measures 280 meters in height and occupies the south-western corner of the site, hosts the konka group headquarters, an electronics manufacturing company with an international reach. on the opposite corner, the business apartment tower provides panoramic views of shenzhen bay and the mountains towards north. lower height structures along enping street (east) achieve a smooth transition toward the smaller scale of the surrounding urban landscape.



the dutch architecture firm has employed a 9×9 m grid system as its spatial strategy for the project, which facilitates a smooth transition between the office tower and the smaller scale of the apartments, creating a rich and diverse urban space. pedestrian streets and passages cross the complex at different levels and connect the inner functions to the wider urban context, while the pedestrian circulation network extends towards the north to connect the development to the OCT (overseas chinese town), a new upscale neighborhood that is home to many creative industries.




at street level, the building accommodates workshops, bookstores, retail spaces, and restaurants, while gradual setbacks shelter the entrance zones and open the building to a public passage that leads to the inner plazas. additionally, three sunken squares connect to the b1 level, where a passage with retail areas will lead to the subway. in terms of materiality, the low retail buildings of the project are mostly covered with perforated copper panels, while the towers are transparent. the office tower is slightly differentiated through the use of a copper mesh on top of high-performance glass, which accentuates its bevelled modules. using the same inclination, balconies with slanted sides surround all the levels of the business apartments tower. throughout the development, the pattern and position of the panels reduce solar radiation and optimize daylight exposure.

建筑师: 梅卡诺建筑师事务所 MECANOO

地点: 深圳

面积: 37250平方米

年份: 2019

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