土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 园林景观实景 \ 日用即道,海洋之花艺术装置


发布于:2023-08-29 13:30:29 来自:园林景观/园林景观实景 [复制转发]

△ 海洋之花艺术装置 ?直译建筑摄影


The project is located in a coastal tea garden tourist area in Wujiatai Village, a fishing village in Rizhao. Nearshore aquaculture is an important industry in the village. At the entrance of the park, there is an old retired ship. The owner of the park wants to use the old ship to make a striking sign at the entrance of the park.

△ 装置鸟瞰  ?直译建筑摄影

和日常渔业紧密相关的工具 “漂子”成为此次的灵感。“漂子”在手工业时期,是陶土罐子,工业年代演变成真空塑料的瓶子,后逐渐被椭圆形的“漂子”主宰,红黄蓝绿的椭圆,色彩丰富,鲜艳醒目。  
The tool closely related to daily fishing, "float", became the inspiration for this time. In the handicraft era, the "float" was a pottery jar, which evolved into a vacuum plastic bottle in the industrial age, and then gradually dominated by the oval "float". The ovals of red, yellow, blue and green are rich in color and bright.

△ 装置细部    ?孔祥伟

△ 装置细部  ?直译建筑摄影

△ 装置局部  ?直译建筑摄影


Every household in the village has a small mountain of floats piled up, like layers of different thicknesses of paint stacked out of concentrated and explosive beauty. The sign is inspired by this and also uses a stacking method, combined with the old ship at the entrance of the village. Using steel structure as internal support, ten in a group, using steel wire binding to fix with steel structure, stacking to a certain height.

△ 装置夜景  ?直译建筑摄影


The color is bright red, with light design, the warm color light that comes out from the inside of the structure, after several reflections, completely fills the whole device. When finished, it looks like a blazing fire, or like a blooming dahlia, carrying information from the ocean, coming from the sea and returning to the beach. It is a sign of entering the village and also a guide for returning home from the sea.

△ 田园里的装置远观    ?直译建筑摄影


△ 装置夜景远观  ?直译建筑摄影


The daily use of the people is also a way. These common fishing tools aroused the strong interest of the villagers from the beginning of the construction. The villagers did not expect that these fishing tools could be used to their fullest extent and evolved into another kind of art. The common production things are reconstructed by design, and under the influence of color, form and light, they have poetry and temperature: a temperature closely related to the production and life of ordinary people. The construction of the device also invited fishermen to complete together. The height, density, stacking method and end closure were discussed by designers and workers together and completed together. The moment the device was completed, it was truly linked to the villagers.

△ 装置东立面  ?孔祥伟

△ 装置东立面    ? 直译建筑摄影

△ 装置东南立面  ? 孔祥伟

△ 装置远景    ? 孔祥伟


The design context of rural areas makes it easier for sign design to express itself in the form of land art. The innovation of rural space requires more adaptation to local conditions and use of local materials. It takes from production and life, combines ordinary things with land art, and changes rural areas with art. This is a kind of protection for rural areas, and also an expression full of hope for rural areas in the future.

△ 花丛中的装置  ? 孔祥伟











影:直译建筑摄影 孔祥伟


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只看楼主 我来说两句抢地板
  • 加倍努力
    加倍努力 沙发


    2023-08-30 08:54:30

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  • 凌霄云外
    凌霄云外 板凳


    2023-08-29 15:28:29

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现在封阳台的家庭越来越多,它不仅增加了房屋的使用面积,而且房间的光线也格外的好,最主要的是起到了冬天保温夏天降温的作用。那大家有没有尝试过不封阳台会是怎样呢?我们一起来看看吧! 打造私人花房 一些喜欢花花草草的人,不封阳台正好满足了你这个愿望,可以在阳台上种植各类奇花异草,仿佛置身世外桃源,李子柒的快乐我们想象不到!


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