土木在线论坛 \ 给排水工程 \ 建筑给排水 \ 保护牙齿更要保护你——《水中氟化物检测和氟化物添加剂产品安全的基本知识》


发布于:2022-07-13 10:00:13 来自:给排水工程/建筑给排水 2 3







 原文作者:Kip Duchon

原文出处:J Opflow


Know the Basics of Water Fluoridation Measurement and Additive Products Safety


Abstract 摘要

Adding fluoride to water is standard practice, but best practices for accurate measurement and safe handling of fluoride additives should be in place.


本文素材来源于美国自来水工程师协会杂志(J Opflow,本人为注册会员,正规渠道获取),原作版权归原出处和原作者。本人对素材原文进行全文翻译后进行整理汇编凝练,享有对翻译和汇编作品的著作权。本稿如需转载,请联系本人取得授权。


The process of water fluoridation—adjusting the fluoride level in drinking water to the recommended level of 0.7 mg/L to improve oral health—has been in place for 75 years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 72.8% of the US population served by public water systems (PWSs) had fluoridated water in 2016 (www.cdc.gov/oral health). Although fluoridation is simple, effective, and safe, water treatment plant operators will get the best results if they know how to measure fluoride in labs and use proper protective gear to safely handle additives.


Fluoride in drinking water at the recommended level of 0.7 mg/L is a small amount. Still, it’s essential to know the correct fluoride level. If the level is too low, the public won’t receive the benefit of improved oral health and reduced tooth decay. If the level is too high, it’s more likely that children could develop enamel fluorosis—a staining of the tooth surface. Best results are achieved when the fluoride level is between 0.6 and 1 mg/L. It’s important to measure the amount of naturally occurring fluoride in the source water to ensure the correct amount of fluoride additive is applied to the drinking water, then verify the correct dosage was applied to the finished water.

推荐的饮用水中的氟化物含量(0.7 mg/L)是一个很小的量。尽管如此,准确了解水中的氟化物浓度水平仍是至关重要的。如果氟化物的浓度太低,用户将无法从饮用水中获得改善口腔健康和减少蛀牙的益处。如果浓度太高,儿童更有可能在牙齿表面出现氟斑牙的变色。当氟化物浓度在0.6~1 mg/L之间时,可以拥有对口腔卫生的最佳效果。重要的是要检测到原水中天然存在的氟化物的浓度,以确保正确的添加到饮用水中的氟化物添加剂量,然后通过检测出厂水,验证氟化物浓度是否满足需要。

“Although fluoridation is simple, effective, and safe, water treatment plant operators will get the best results if they know how to measure fluoride in labs and use proper protective gear to safely handle additives.”




The ability to detect and accurately measure the fluoride ion in water is essential to ensuring consumers are obtaining the benefits of fluoridation. To obtain the best operational results, a basic operational analysis should be conducted, as shown in Figure 1 and listed here.


1. Sample the raw water source to determine the amount of existing fluoride in the water. This way, the dosage is calculated to bring the fluoride level to 0.7 mg/L.

2. Verify the fluoride additive concentration by either consulting the manufacturer’s assay or directly measuring the fluoride content of the additive using the testing method defined in the standard AWWA publishes for each additive product: ANSI/AWWA B701 Sodium Fluoride, ANSI/AWWA B702 Sodium Fluorosilicate, and ANSI/AWWA B703 Fluorosilicic Acid.

3. Know the desired dosage and concentration of the fluoride additive to calculate the feed rate and determine the feeder rate.

4. Confirm the finished water concentration is correct by measuring.

The colorimetric and ion-specific electrode (ISE) methods are the most common ways to measure fluoride in water.

1、对原水采样,分析检测原水中存在的氟化物浓度。基于此,计算出要添加多少的氟化物才能满足出厂水0.7 mg/L的要求

2、用于投加到饮用水中的氟化物添加剂的浓度,可以通过咨询供应商的产品规格,或通过美国自来水工程师学会为每种类型添加剂产品制定的检测分析标准方法对氟化物添加剂的浓度进行测定。这些标准方法包括ANSI/AWWA B701氟化钠、ANSI/AWWA B702氟硅酸钠,以及ANSI/AWWA B703氟硅酸。




Figure 1. Basic Operational Analysis

It’s essential to accurately detect and measure the fluoride ion in water.

图1 基本的分析操作步骤


Colorimetric Method. The colorimetric method (method 4500-D in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, available at www. awwa.org/store) is the simplest, relying on an indicator solution called SPADNS (short for “sulfanilic acid azochromotrop”). SPADNS forms a “color lake” in the sample, which is depleted as higher levels of fluoride are measured.

A colorimeter uses a light-emitting diode (LED) source, and the detector measures the amount of light absorbed, indicating the amount of fluoride in the sample. The colorimeter is calibrated using a “zero” fluoride blank and a prepared 1-mg/L standard. Then the user measures the fluoride in the water by comparing the measured light absorbance of the sample with the zero and 1-mg/L standards. The fluoride concentration is proportional to the amount of light absorbance in the range of 0 to 1.4 mg/L. Colorimetric measurement isn’t suitable for fluoride concentrations above 1.4 mg/L, according to Standard Methods. Figure 2 shows a commonly used colorimeter and ampules with premeasured reagent.

Although the colorimetric analytical method is the most common way to measure fluoride, it isn’t always the best method. Several interfering substances, plus water color and turbidity, can result in inaccurate measurement. Standard Methods specifies sample preparation using a reflux distillation with sulfuric acid as a distillation reagent. Distillation converts the fluoride to a fluorosilicic acid or hydrogen fluoride, allowing a correct colorimetric measurement without interference.

Operators should take at least one refluxed split sample monthly to compare with no sample preparation. This is a way to confirm that direct measurement of fluoride without reflux preparation yields the same result. However, colorimetric fluoride measurement is often chosen for its simplicity, and many operators who rely on it aren’t willing to include this sample-preparation step. As a result, there’s potential for inaccurate fluoride measurement by relying on the colorimetric method without validating that the water being tested doesn’t have an interfering substance.

The colorimetric method can also have problems obtaining good results because of other issues, such as zero fluoride and reference fluoride standards for test calibration, incorrect calibration of the colorimeter, residue on the testing cuvette or ampule, improper handling of the sample, and temperature variation. True deionized water and a freshly prepared reference standard are needed for instrument calibration. Natural waters have some amount of fluoride; using a blank with a small amount of fluoride will result in an incorrect calibration of the colorimeter.

The best practice is to purchase deionized reagent-grade water for test calibration. Reference standards normally have a shelf life and need to be replaced once the standard expires or the accuracy of the test method is less reliable. Once references for the zero fluoride blank and the 1-mg/L standard are prepared, they can be reused for a week before a new reference will need to be prepared. The colorimeter should be recalibrated at least once a day using the reference standards—preferably once per shift if it’s used multiple times during a day.

Other problems that can interfere with test accuracy involve the sample. The testing cuvette or ampule used for testing must be clean, with no residue, water drops, scratches, or chips. It’s important to ensure the reference standards and the sample to be measured are equilibrated to the same temperature.

比色法。 最简单操作的比色法是《水和废水检验标准方法》中的方法4500-D,依靠磺胺酸偶氮变色剂(SPADNS)作为指示剂。加入的SPADNS会在样品中形成一个“色湖”,当测量氟化物的浓度较高时,“色湖”中的颜色会被耗尽。

色度计是使用发光二极管(LED)光源,通过检测器测量吸收的光量,表征显示样品中的氟化物浓度。色度计使用不含氟化物的“零”空白样品和配置好的1 mg/L氟化物浓度的标准样品进行校准。然后,用户通过将测得的样品的吸光率与空白和1 mg/L的标准样品的吸光率进行比较来计算出水中的氟化物浓度。氟化物浓度与0~1.4 mg/L浓度范围内的光吸收量成正比。根据标准方法,比色法不适合于氟化物浓度超过1.4 mg/L的情况。图2显示了一个常用的比色计和预先配置的试剂的安瓿瓶。




最好的做法是购买去离子试剂级别的水用于校准。参考标准通常是保质期,一旦标准过期或测试方法的准确性不可靠,就需要更换。一旦配制好零氟化物的空白样品和1 mg/L的标准样品,它们可以被重复使用一周,此后需要再配制新的样品。色度计应该每天至少用标准样品重新校准一次,如果在一天内需要多次使用,最好每个检测班次都要校准一次。


Figure 2. Colorimeter and Reagent Ampules for Sample Testing

Colorimetric fluoride measurement is often chosen for its simplicity

图2 用于样品测试的色度计和样品安瓿瓶


■ Many users prefer ampules that have the correct quantity of reagent with a vacuum.

■ Invert tip is submerged in solution, then snapped to allow vacuum to draw solution into ampule.

■ Keep submerged until filled (takes 3–5 seconds).

■ Keep surface clean, as smudges introduce errors.





ISE Method. The ISE method (method 4500-C in Standard Methods) was developed in the 1930s and is similar to the pH electrode. As shown in Figure 3, a fluoride electrode employs a lanthanum fluoride crystal selective to fluoride ions, and the meter measures the ion activity across the crystal membrane. As the fluoride ions diffuse across the crystal membrane, the ions are depleted at the surface of the electrode and must be replenished by mixing the solution. The electrode senses free fluoride ions with respect to the background solution’s ionic activity.

Consequently, it’s necessary to add a total ionic buffer to ensure the background ionic activity is sufficiently different from the fluoride ion activity to improve measurement precision. The ISE method has fewer interferences than the colorimeter method. Potentially interfering substances must be substantially higher in concentration and are unlikely to be encountered in test solutions at those much higher concentrations. Color and turbidity of the water don’t influence the results.

The best practice is to purchase deionized reagent-grade water to be used for test calibration. Reference standards normally have a shelf life and need to be replaced once the standard expires or the accuracy of the test method is less reliable. Once references for the zero fluoride blank and the 1-mg/L standard are prepared, they can be reused for a week before a new reference is needed. The ISE should be recalibrated at least once a day using the reference standards and preferably once a shift if it’s used for multiple shifts.

The ISE method depends on the integrity of the electrode, which can deteriorate over time. Generally, an electrode is usable for six to 10 months. As shown in Figure 4, the integrity can be easily tested by checking its potential over a one-magnitude ion concentration. Use a 1-mg/L and a 10-mg/L standard, then set the meter to read electrical potential rather than fluoride concentration. A good electrode will have a 56-mV potential difference between the 1- and 10-mg/L standards. For routine operational testing, an electrode with a potential difference of 51–52 mV is often sufficient, but better tolerance to 56-mV potential will produce more accurate results.

离子选择电极法(ISE) ISE法(《水和废水检验标准方法》中的4500-C方法)是在20世纪30年代开发的,与pH电极法相似。如图3所示,氟化物电极采用了对氟化物离子有选择性的氟化镧晶体,分析仪测量穿过晶体膜的离子活性。当氟化物离子扩散穿过晶体膜时,离子在电极表面被消耗,必须通过混合溶液来补充。电极即感应自由氟化物离子与背景溶液的离子活性之间的关系。


最好的做法是购买去离子试剂级的水用于测试校准。参考标准通常有保质期,一旦配制好零氟化物的空白样品和1 mg/L的标准样品,它们可以被重复使用一周,此后需要再配制新的样品。色度计应该每天至少用标准样品重新校准一次,如果在一天内需要多次使用,最好每个检测班次都要校准一次。

ISE法取决于电极的工作状态,而电极会随着时间的推移而老化。一般来说,一个电极可以使用6到10个月。如图4所示,通过检查其在一个量级的离子浓度上的电位,可以很容易地测试其完整性。使用1 mg/L和10 mg/L的标准容易,然后将仪表设置为读取电动势而不是氟化物浓度。一个处于良好工作状态的电极在1 mg/L和10 mg/L的标准溶液之间会有56 mV的电位差。对于常规操作测试,一个电位差为51-52 mV的电极通常就足够了,但对如果能达到56mV电位差的点击来说,会拥有更好的容忍度,也会产生更准确的结果。

Figure 3. Ion-Specific Electrode

The electrode senses free fluoride ions with respect to the background solution’s ionic activity.

图3 离子选择电极


■ The fluoride-specific electrode works like the pH-sensitive glass electrode. It can be either a single combination probe (fluoride plus reference) or two separate probes.

■ Fluoride electrode senses free fluoride ion with respect to background solution ionic activity. Other fluoride-containing species are measured indirectly.



Figure 4. Verification Testing for ISE Integrity

A good electrode will have a 56-mV potential difference between the 1- and 10-mg/L standards.

图4  ISE电极完整性的验证测试

一个好的电极将在测量1 mg/L和10mg/L标准溶液时有56-mV的电位差。

■ Electrodes normally last for a 6- to 10-month duration but will eventually lose integrity.

■ Verify electrode integrity by checking potential.

■ Instrument can provide either indication of fluoride content or electrical potential measurement.

■ A good probe will indicate a 56-mV differential over one orderof-magnitude (0.1 to 1.0 mg/L or 1.0 to 10.0 mg/L).




一个好的探头会在一个数量级(0.1~1.0 mg/L或1.0~10.0 mg/L)上显示56 V的差值。



Like other additives used at a water treatment facility, water fluoridation additive products require operators to use personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce the potential for exposure. Hazards related to material handling include acid burns to skin and eyes with fluorosilicic acid and inhalation of dust when handling dry crystalline salts.

The best reference for safe handling practices is the safety data sheet (SDS) provided by each additive product’s manufacturer. Chemical companies must provide an SDS for each product that poses a safety risk for personnel exposure. Each SDS must describe the product and hazards and provide recommended PPE to reduce exposure risk. The SDS must be reviewed and updated by the issuing entity at least once every three years and within one year if it’s recognized that new information about the product is needed.



Fluorosilicic acid is strong, but it’s diluted in an aqueous solution with a content of approximately 25 percent fluorosilicic acid and 75 percent water. The AWWA standard for fluorosilicic acid specifies a diluted aqueous solution to balance the consideration of having a higher acid content to reduce the cost of transporting water during delivery, with the consideration of a lower acid content to reduce personnel exposure to a strong acid. This solution blend results in an aqueous solution that reduces the potential for acid burns to the body. Having a lower-concentration aqueous solution allows the PPE to be simplified to a rubber apron, long-sleeve gauntlet rubber gloves, rubber boots, safety goggles, and a face shield. Typical cost for these items is less than $100 per operator.


A respirator isn’t required when handling fluorosilicic acid unless a firefighter is actively responding to a fire. Fluorosilicic acid releases a small quantity of hydrogen fluoride gas, which is volatile at room temperature, but the content of hydrogen fluoride gas is less than 1 percent, so the release rate is minimal. Even if there was a massive release of fluorosilicic acid from a tank rupture, the amount of potential hydrogen fluoride to evaporate would result in an exposure below a personnel exposure threshold.


One question that’s occasionally raised is whether hazmat protection is required for handling fluorosilicic acid. Hazmat protection is necessary only for emergency first responders, and it normally includes a Gore-Tex coat and pants that are certified for fluorosilicic acid, along with acid-safe gloves, boots, goggles, and face shield. The cost for hazmat protection will exceed $800 per person. If a water facility believes the presence of another water additive product warrants hazmat protection, that protection may be suitable for fluorosilicic acid as well, but it would need to be certified for exposure to fluorosilicic acid in addition to the other water additive product.


Sodium fluoride and sodium fluorosilicate crystalline salts have a different exposure consideration. Although AWWA standards have a granulation sieve requirement to minimize small particulate content, like with all salt products, a small amount of dusting can be expected. Releasing a small quantity of fine dusting crystals could potentially result in inhalation exposure. The use of an air-purifying respirator with a particulate rating from the National Institute for Occupational Safety is sufficient personnel protection. An air-purifying respirator filters atmospheric air, and the particulate filtering provides sufficient protection for handling fluoride additive salts. A self-contained breathing apparatus respirator relying on a tank or independent air supply from outside the room isn’t necessary for handling dry fluoride additive products unless they’re used for fighting a fire in a room. Each operator using an air-purifying respirator should get an annual medical assessment for respirator use. This standard test is conducted in a medical office to ensure a person’s lungs can inhale through a restricted orifice. In addition to a respirator, safety goggles should be worn to protect the eyes from dust. This is often achieved with a respirator integrated with goggles. Gloves protect the hands from cuts, and protective overalls reduce dust contact with clothing. Equipping an operator with PPE for the dry additive products costs less than $100 per person.


“The best reference for safe handling practices is the safety data sheet provided by each additive product’s manufacturer.”


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正文如下: 封堵做得不好会引起渗漏,造成质量问题,很多施工单位对套管制作安装和封堵的做法是错误的。朋友们可以在规范和图集的基础上,参考以下总结,就不会再出问题了。 一、套管制作安装: 1、在加工制作套管前认真熟悉图纸并分析如何制作安装预埋套管。 2、根据建筑平面图,结构管面图以及建筑立面图,来确定套管的长度。再根据给排水平面图和大样图,并参照标准图集来制作。



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