土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 漂浮的艺术品时代·杭州丹枫四季


发布于:2021-04-25 14:10:25 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 0 56 [复制转发]



枫四季位于杭州 市滨江区,丹枫路与阡陌路交汇处, 距钱塘江0.8KM,奥体博览中心2.0KM,杭州市区3.0KM, 且靠近1号地铁线,交通 便捷。场地紧 ,周边 端商业及 居住用 地,是一处富有生机活力的片区

Danfeng Four Seasons is located at the intersection of Danfeng Road and Qian Mo Road in Binjiang District, Hangzhou, 0.8km away from Qiantang River, 2.0km far from Olympic Sports Expo Center, 3.0km far from downtown of Hangzhou, and close to Subway Line 1, with convenient transportation. The site is a vibrant area which close to the primary school, surrounded by high-end commercial and residential land.


The sales office is located at the intersection of urban roads, only 14m from the municipal road boundary on both sides, and the landscape space is long and narrow. How to expand the display interface in the limited space without losing the visibility of the landscape is the main problem to be solved in this design.


Based on this, MPG’s exterior landscape design expands the visual experience of the architecture by adding waterscape elements to the street corner public space. These combined with the glass curtain wall of the sales office, create transparent spaces both inside and outside. In addition, the visibility of the landscape interface is enhanced by linking the parking lot combined with green space to create a super-long municipal landscape expression. 





What is art? Art is the expression of feeling. Art is also a language that everyone can understand, as each has their own interpretation of its meaning.
《The Moon and Sixpence》 by William Somerset Maugham

艺术也在历经灵感碰撞 、时光的洗礼后,方才璀璨夺目。

本案初期 ,团队以打造一场 滨江艺术SHOW ”为主题 将水景 叠级形 式延伸至建 筑入口 ,结合立面装饰将 水景与建筑 打造一体化景观效果, 突出 营销中心 主入口, 观体验

The final presentation of the design this case has experienced many rounds of polishing and refinement through execution of the design process. At the beginning of the project, the design team took  a "Riverside Art Show"a s the  primary theme: it extended the waterscape to the entrance of the building in the form of a cascade, and combined with the facade decoration to integrate the waterscape with the building, This created an integrated landscape effect, highlighting the  main entrance of the sales office, and improving the landscape experience.

后期设计中,为突出 艺术SHOW 的品质与格调,将水景幕墙转化为开阔的镜面跌级水景,并将SHOW场重心移至转角展示面,最终以 “漂浮的艺术品” 为本案概念,将滨江的水系形态凝炼为艺术雕塑,矗立于超大水面中,与营销中心相得益彰, 以漂浮之姿将滨江的艺术娓娓道来。

As the design further evolved, the "art SHOW" concept highlighted quality and style, translating the architectural curtain wall to mirror itself into the adjoining water feature.  Combined with an elevation drop in the water level, a "floating work of art" is incorporated. This sculpted flowing art piece replicates the form and purity flow of the Binjiang River. 


用利落的线条勾勒出现代简约的入口空间,在绿意与水光的掩映中,呈现出现代艺术的内敛 与高雅。漫步其中, 感悟艺术之声。

The clean lines outline the modern and simple entrance space, showing the introversion and elegance of modern art in the shade of green and water light. Stroll in it and feel the sound of art.

营销中心在镜面水池的倒映下熠熠生辉,连同天光云影一起纳入水色中, 石材与金属碰撞出建筑的华光,自然与艺术装点起景观的盛装。

Business and activity being conducted inside the building is mirrored on the outside through reflections in the exterior planes of water.

利用场地高差,将水景延伸至台阶下方, 犹如云梯架设在水面之上。
Utilizing the height difference of the site, the waterscape is extended to the bottom of the steps, like a ladder set up above the water.


The water level of the first level is +6.40, flush with the ground to the drainage closure; The second stage is +6.55, which extends into the lower part of the step. The third level is +6.70, which is consistent with the height of the corner of the steps. The waterscape is flush with the steps with the sealing steel plate.

转角昭示面前的超大镜面水池,远望去,营销中心仿佛“漂浮”在水面上 。水中的雕塑能看到风的影子,自由流畅,蕴含着自然的生动和科技的魅力。 华灯初上,在水光的倒影下,营销中心宛如滨江河畔的艺术橱窗,时尚剔透。

The corner shows the large mirror pool in front of you., Looking far away, the sales office seems to "float" on the water. Sculptures in the water can see the shadow of the wind, free and smooth, containing the vivid nature and the charm of science and technology. 


The fine water and light waves are reflected on the white perforated wall of the sculpture, which provides a layer of dynamic texture.



丹枫四季,在树影婆娑,光影斑驳,汩汩流动的水声中尽显细腻 优雅

Red maple four seasons, in the tree shadow whirling, light and shadow mottled, gurgling water sound in the delicate and elegant.



The style and details of the whole project were carefully conceptualized by the designer. The project team, in cooperation with Party A and construction colleagues, prudently selected a variety of different plant species and forms, and made great efforts to ensure that the design was properly implemented and the design effect was flawlessly executed. 


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景观设计有一招 俗称 我切我切我切切切! 不过大家在切的时候 先想想施工队大叔的感受 以防大叔撂挑子 荷兰恩斯赫德的Roombeek商业街的这条小溪 由 Buro Sant en Co 公司于 2000年至2005年间 设计 于2008年竣工完成 你一定也曾经见过这个经典的水景意向图 这条小溪采用不对称设计,随着街道的宽窄变化,设计上突出不同的空间功能。小溪的底部利用粗糙的表面处理,降低水流速度,并用石板创建了有趣的的图案,与细腻的水流相映得彰。利用不规则型石板,组成垫脚石,随机的铺放在小溪上,模拟烟花爆炸的绚丽之姿。



经验值 +10